Come Together

The 2014 I-House All-Staff Holiday Luncheon Celebration took place on December 17 in the Chevron Auditorium. This year, the invitation list more than doubled due to the administration’s decision to add our RAs, student workers and limited staff with a goal of inclusive participation. The extra attendees added energy to the lively festivities and spirit of the afternoon. Those present were recognized by receiving a generous gift card from our executive director, Hans Giesecke. Hired party staff served our delicious appetizers and lunch so many of the catering staff could enjoy the beautiful and delicious luncheon that our I-House chefs, Fidel, Mr. Kim and Liam prepared. For those Dining Services staff scheduled to work during the celebration, Hans Giesecke delivered their gift cards inside personalized holiday cards prior to the luncheon.

It is important that all of us on staff understand that our particular roles contribute to the I-House mission of promoting cross-cultural experiences and leadership skills for a world of peace and greater understanding. I truly hope all I-House employees feel included and realize they are an important part of this unique enterprise.

Usually, during my busy work day there are many employees with whom I don’t work closely and often only get to catch an eye, or acknowledge with a nod, as we are so busy coming and going. I found it fun to mix up the luncheon tables which helped me get to know four of our diligent dining hall staff and two student workers in a relaxed and festive setting.

Milestones such as this celebration are important in many ways — the key way in my mind, is to express sincere thanks for jobs well done. All of us are grateful for the recognition that encourages team work and positive attitudes.

Thank you, I-House Berkeley, for the opportunity to be a part of something significant as we continue to work to serve UC Berkeley residents, the larger community and the world.

About bonniejohnstonih

Having worked in Higher Education non-profits for many years, I'm pleased to be a part of the International House at UC Berkeley. I serve as executive assistant and financial aid coordinator.
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1 Response to Come Together

  1. Pam Schallock says:

    Well done, Bonnie! Proud of you, your hard work, and your heart for people!

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